Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods.
Since the Chanukah miracle involved oil, it is customary to eat foods fried in oil. The Eastern-European classic is the potato latke (pancake) garnished with applesauce or sour cream, and the reigning Israeli favorite is the jelly-filled sufganya (jelly doughnut). Nowadays, people tend to place great importance on giving Chanukah gifts. However, the tradition is actually to give Chanukah gelt, gifts of money, to children. The cash gifts give the children the opportunity to give tzedakah (charity). This has also spawned the phenomenon of foil-covered “chocolate gelt.”

Chanukah Lite
Just because Chanukah falls over the break, did you really think we wouldn't still be celebrating?
Come celebrate the end of classes at this Chabad-Hillel joint affair, featuring an endless buffet of your most cravable Chanukah comfort foods.
How do you like your sizzling latkes? Classic with applesauce? Or with sour cream and chives?
What about your doughnuts? Pumped with jelly? Custard? Chocolate and sprinkles on top, or dusted with powdered sugar?
Hang out late enough and try your luck at Tufts's largest dreidel game, with lots of delicious gelt!
And to top it all off, bring any books you 'd like to donate to those in need, in the spirit of the gift that keeps on giving.
Monday, December 9 at 7pm
at Tufts Hillel

Eight Lights
on the Hill
Bring in Chanukah "Jumbo" style!
If you're still on campus, join campus leaders to light a "Jumbo"-sized eight-foot menorah. Featuring hot latkes, jelly doughnuts, lots of friends, and lots of fun!
Sunday, December 22nd at 6pm
on the Lower Patio at the Campus Center