A Taste of Home
We all get homesick, it's healthy. So we at your home away from home are here to help.
Missing your mom's tomato basil soup? Your grandma's kreplach? That killer chocolate cake that puts a smile on your grandpa's face like nothing else?
Submit a recipe, and it might just be featured at a Shabbat dinner soon!
We all get homesick. Don't worry.
Every Shabbat dinner at Chabad features a heaping five-course meal. With dishes prepared just hours before dinner, you can count on piling your plate high with love straight from a real mother's kitchen to her extended Jumbo family—it doesn't get much more homemade than that.
But sometimes you're just craving a little extra love.
Any recipes you submit will go straight to the Chabad Board. If they're doable, then we may just incorporate your family recipe into an upcoming Shabbat dinner.
And if it's a big hit, then who knows? It might just become a regular staple...
Submit a Recipe!​