Still on campus? Shavuot celebrates receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. It is customary to celebrate by eating dairy, though the reason behind this custom is debated.
Is it because the Torah is likened to milk in the Songs of Solomon? Is it because when the Israelites were first given the laws of kashrut there was no time to prepare kosher meat before dinner? Or perhaps because the Book of Numbers mentions bringing a "new meat offering unto the Lord" on Shavuot, and that phrase abbreviated in Hebrew spells out the three-letter acronym "ch-l-b," Hebrew for milk? Because Sinai is called "the mount of gavnunim," which sounds like the Hebrew word gevinah, meaning cheese? Or were the Israelites at Sinai as innocent as newborns, whose only food is milk?
Either way, blintzes and cheesecake abound. What do you think?
Shavuot Begins
Candle Lighting: 8:54pm
Shavuot Evening Services: 9PM
Shavuot Holiday Dinner: 9:15PM
Thursday, May 28
Shavuot Continues
Torah Reading and Dairy Refreshments: 3:30PM
Candle Lighting: after 8:55pm
Shavuot Evening Services and Kabbalat: 9PM
Shavuot Holiday Dinner and Shabbat: 9:15PM
Friday, May 29